Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Once Upon a Time in Oz 1.1

Sorry it's taken so long to post again.  I promise I'll be back with more of Artemis soon, but I haven't had time to work on that.  Here's part of a Once Upon a Time fanfiction. (This is one of my favorite series of fanfics I've written) The main characters are Felix, from season three, Toodles, from the Peter Pan book, and Natalie, a girl from modern earth.


                                                  The Malevolent Land of Oz

            They said it was just going to rain. 

The thought played over and over again at the back of Natalie Wolf’s mind like a broken record in the other room.  She swerved around a large branch that had fallen into the road, gripping the steering wheel of her car with white knuckled fingers. 

They said it was just going to rain.

The rain pelted down from grey-green clouds, driven almost horizontally by the howling wind.  Natalie could barely keep her little car in her lane; the winds buffeted it one way then the other. 

Natalie started at a sudden noise from the seat beside her, her already pounding heart skipping along a little faster for three beats.  She tried to laugh at herself when she realized it was just her phone, but the sound died before it was fully formed.  She reached across and grabbed her drawstring bag from the passenger seat, fumbling to get it open with one hand.    She managed to get it open, and tangle her arm in the strap in the process.  She found her phone and looked down at the screen.

Text from Aunt Emily.

Natalie glanced back at the road, then looked at the phone again.

‘Where are you?’

I don’t know, she thought, biting her lip.  The last she knew, she was still a half an hour’s drive from her cousins’ house.  Then the storm started and she’d had to slow to a twenty-five miles per hour pace just to stay on the road. 

She started to reply.  ‘Still 20 ? min awa…’

Natalie stomped her brakes and skidded to a stop.  No, she thought.  She threw open the car door and scrambled out, staring in wide-eyed horror at the horizon.  The wind whipped her hair into her eyes, but that didn’t obscure her view of the spinning funnel of clouds dipping down to touch the ground a few hundred yards in front of her. 

The cyclone was tinted green and blue and the air started to crack with electricity.  Panic rose in Natalie’s chest and she turned and ran toward the side of the road.  She slid into a muddy ditch and flattened herself against the ground, covering her head with her arms. 

They said it was just going to rain.

                                                       . . .

“Catchin’ up to him,” Felix muttered as he crouched to study the tracks in the dirt. 

Toodles knelt beside the older boy, so he could look at the prints too.  “He’s big,” he said, holding his hand above the clearest track and spreading his fingers.  The beast’s foot must be three times the size of his hand. 

“Yes, and he’s going to make a lovely wall decoration.”  Peter Pan studied the track over their shoulders, then turned his gaze to the trees in from of them.  He grinned over his shoulder at the six Lost Boys that formed the hunting party.   “Get ready boys.  The fun’s about to begin.”

Toodles stood, gripping his cross bow tighter, and moved along with the others.  The group had started out after the lion early that morning, tracking it through the Dark Forest.  Toodles wasn’t sure how long they’d been hunting it, it was always black as night in these woods, but he guess by how hungry he was getting that it must be late afternoon. 

He’d hunted lions before, but this one was a monster.  Pan said it was possibly the biggest to ever be seen in Neverland.    Several of the other boys had seen it and they all attested to its size and ferocity.   He looked ahead at George and Felix, several yards in front of the group, doing most of the tracking.  Both carried a net, George held a loaded crossbow and Felix had his club resting at its usual place over his right shoulder.  The thought of facing any sized lion with nothing but a club and a buck bone knife made Toodles’ mouth go dry, but Felix never carried any other weapons. 

After a few minutes more, George held up his hand and the others stopped.  Toodles thought he heard something moving ahead of them. 

“Here we go boys,” Pan whispered, an excited glint in his eyes.  “Ivan, you move in with Felix and George.  Jesse, you move in from behind it.  The rest of you,” he gestured with his spear, “try to circle around it.” 

Ivan, who carried a torch along with a spear, moved to stand by Felix and George while the others fanned out into the trees.  Toodles was sure he could hear something now; a low rumble, fading and coming back at regular intervals.

Attack the lion, fight with it for a few minutes, it runs off.

Pan cocked his head and stared in the direction the beast had run off in with a puzzled expression.  It wasn’t like Neverland lions to just run away.  Not before they’d drawn a fair amount of blood anyway. 

All of a sudden the air around them seemed to hold something threatening. Toodles shuddered.  It wasn’t them the lion was running from.  There was something else.  The other boys must have felt it too; they all started glancing around at the trees, holding their weapons ready.  Feeling the hair on the back of his neck stand up, Toodles took an involuntary step or two toward Felix as he fitted another arrow to his crossbow. 

Then, the ground beneath their feet opened up into a green and black hole.  Toodles tried to scramble back, tried to grab hold of something but his free hand only met with the corner of Felix’s cloak.  That was no help; the other boy was falling too.  Dimly he heard the shouts of the rest of the hunting party before the whirling vortex swallowed him.