Thursday, June 25, 2015

Age of Untron Review

Whoa, wrote this the week after the movie came out and thought I published it, but apparently I didn't.  Anyway, here is a belated review of Age of Ultron. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this movie.  I won't say it's better than the first Avengers, but it was still very well done and defiantly worth seeing.   All the major characters were back, and Barton even got a relatively substantial part.  Thor didn't get as much as I was hoping for, but there were a lot of characters that had to share screen time.  I love watching the whole team interact and there was a lot of really nice dialogue throughout. 
I liked Ultron as a villain and I think the story was interesting and mostly well done. The bit with the Hulk busting up the city could have been cut in my opinion. I feel like that really didn't serve a purpose to the story and was only there to add time to the movie.  And to show off Iron Man's newest suit.  
I really like the Maximoff twins.  At first I wasn't over thrilled with the idea of adding them when I first saw them on the previews; I was rather attached to Days of Future Past's Quicksilver and I felt like there were already too many characters in the move.  But I ended up really liking them and I'm looking forward to seeing more of them in the future.  Pietro was very different than the X-Men Quicksilver, which I was glad of so viewers won't have any trouble separating the two.   
There was a small glimpse into Natasha's back story, her initiation into the business, that I would have taken out. It makes since that that would be part of it, but I think the way they told us was random and doesn't really serve a purpose. 
I'm not real sure about Vision. I liked his character well enough, but I almost feel like we could have saved the world without him. *shrug* 

Age of Ultron was a really good movie and I think Marvel fans will be pleased with it. 

Some of my favorite things.  SPOILERS
HAWK'S  FAMILY! I love that. And then I got really worried he was gonna die and I was just like "No, you can't give him a family and then kill him. It's not right." So yes, I was very glad that he made it to the end. 
And I loved pretty much every line captain America had. Him and Thor have always been my favorites.
 It was sad that Pietro died. But my sister and I have decided there's probably around a 60% chance he's not really gone. They never actually said he was dead, just implied that he was.  Plus we can bring back actually dead people with alien juice. *coughCoulsoncough*.  No, I haven't forgiven them for that 'just because we can, we don't need a real reason or a good explanation" resurrection. 
And yeah, I love the new relationship between Clint and Natasha. It's really cute. :)