Monday, March 28, 2016

We Mend Each Other- Eight Years After Allegiant

We Mend Each Other
Eight Years After Allegiant
 Light crept its way into the room through the cracks in the blinds, slanting across the bed in stripes.  Tobias Eaton opened his eyes and took a deep breath, rolling onto his back.  Next to him, Naomi stirred, roused by his movement.  He smiled and moved closer to her. 
                “Good morning.”
                “Morning,” she mumbled sleepily, lifting her head to kiss him.  Then she pulled away and snuggled against him, resting her head on his bare chest and closing her eyes again.
                They lay there for a few minutes, Four gazing up at the ceiling and absentmindedly stroking her dark hair, listening to the city waking up outside.  Then Naomi shifted, arching her back in a stretch and turned to look at him. 
                “It’s the second Saturday isn’t it.  Your mom’s coming for lunch today?”
                “Yes,” Four groaned and let his head fall back against the pillow.  He’d forgotten about that.  “It’s not too late though, she doesn’t have to.  Could you fake a headache?”
                She smiled and shook her head.  “No.”
                “Could I be sick?” he asked, half joking, looking back up at her.
                “No,” she said, chuckling.  “Come on, you said it’s not as bad as it used to be.”
                “I say that after,” he pointed out.  “I just can’t convince myself before.”
                She gave him a look of mock pity and leaned in to kiss him again.  “Be brave,” she whispered.
                “Fine.”  He propped himself up on his elbow (and took her wrist, kissing the flame tattooed just under the bend of her arm).  
                Noami opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by a pounding coming down the hall.  The door to their room flew open and then Gideon landed on the bed at their feet.  “I win!” he crowed.
                Little Emma whined and tried to climb up on the bed too.  Since she had started walking about a month ago, Gideon wanted to race her almost everywhere.  She wanted very badly to keep up, but she couldn’t quite yet.  Naomi pulled Emma up on the bed next to them as Gideon crawled up to Tobias. 
                “You said we could go swimming, can we go now?” he asked in a breathless rush.
                “I said we’d go this afternoon,” Tobias corrected, “we can’t go now, the water will be too cold.”
                “I don’t care,” Gideon insisted.
                “Well I do.  Daddy’s too old to swim in cold water.”
                “No you’re not.  You’re not old,” Gideon said, bouncing a little.
                “How old are you?” Four asked.  “Show me.”
                Gideon grinned and held up four fingers.
                “Now how old am I?”
                “I don’t know,” he said, shrugging his shoulders us to his ears and holding his hands out to his sides. 
                “All right here.” Tobias held up his hands, fingers spread.  “How many is that?”
                “Right, now hold up your hands like that.”
                Gideon giggled and did, holding his hands right in front of his father’s.  “How many’s that?  More than ‘leven.”
                “Yep, that’s ten twice and you know what? That still not enough fingers.  We can’t count it on both our hands.”  He grabbed both his son’s hands in his own, making him squeal.  “You know what that means?  It means I’m too old to swim in the morning.”  Emma laughed and reached out for them, wanting to play too. 
                “Momma will take us then,” Gideon said, turning to Naomi.
                “Momma will not.” She shook her head, smiling to herself at Gideon being the only one feeling dauntless this morning.  “We’ll all go this afternoon.”
                Gideon frowned, but nodded.  “Okay.”
                “But I will make you pancakes,” Naomi said, brushing at Emma’s wildly mussed hair with her fingers.  “How does that sound?”
                “Yeah!”  Gideon hopped of the bed and sprinted off for the kitchen, calling over his shoulder about getting to stir. 
                Naomi pulled back the covers and smiled at Four.  “So much for a quiet Saturday morning.”