Friday, September 4, 2020

Raised From Perdition Part 4

 Here's a short transitions sequence that kind of bridges two sections of the book. 

Dani leaned against the side of the impala parked outside the bunker, alternating watching the first sliver of dawn light the horizon and Dean rummaging through the trunk, trying to replace the weapons the brothers had used the night before.

            “How does all of that even fit in there?” Dani asked.

            “Sam is really good at Tetris,” Dean answered, straightening and pushing the trunk closed.  “We’ve got the bunker to keep a lot of stuff in now, but I still like to keep the essentials in the car.  Never know when you might need them.” 

            She nodded and before she could ask what was considered ‘essential’ Sam walked out of the bunker and came up to them.

            “I was just watching the news,” Sam said. “The cops found some bodies this morning about 30 miles from here.  They’d been drained of blood.”

            “Vampires?” Dani asked, a little excited in spite of herself.  It had to be vampires right? She couldn’t think of any other monster that drained blood.  Of course she’d never even heard of half the things seen mentioned in some of the bunker’s archives.

            “Maybe,” Sam answered.  “I think we would have known about a vamp nest this close before now, but it could be.”

            “Maybe they just moved to town,” Dean said.  “Not a good choice for them.”   

“Well, if it is, I hate Twilight just as much as the next self-respecting book nerd,” Dani ventured.  “Maybe I could go with you this time.”

            “No, we can’t keep dragging you into this stuff,” Dean said.

            “I won’t get in the way,” Dani promised.  “I’ll do just what you tell me to and-“

            “It’s not a good idea.” Dean shook his head.  “Not with vampires, or anything else that could be draining bodies.  It’s not minor league stuff.”  He looked at Sam.  “Tell her.”

            Sam paused and before he could say anything Dani continued.  “Look I’ve gone with you before and everything was fine.  I even helped a couple of times.  I mean I don’t mind not going all the time, but I’m not doing a lot of good to anybody staying here.” 

 “No, Dani,” Dean said, stepping closer.  “I know we still don’t know each other very well, and maybe I don’t have a lot of right saying this, but this, this life, hunting, it’s not…It isn’t…” he paused to gather his thoughts.  “Look, I like you being here, and I’ve liked spending some time with you, but…I always thought if I had kids that I wouldn’t want them doing what I do.”

            “But it’s what I want to do Dean,” Dani said. “What was I doing before I met you guys? Making enough money to get buy, and for what?  Just to support myself for another week so I could get to the next one, there was no purpose in that.  I tried to do something good with that whole thing with the medications but that was a mess.  And then I found this.”  She gestured at the bunker, the car.  “I know it’s a hard life.  I know it’s dangerous, and comes with a lot of sacrifices.  But don’t tell me you wish you’d never started this.  That if you could walk away, move to some tiny town and never see another monster again that you’d do it.  I’ve seen it Dean, you love being a hunter, because you know it’s right for you.  And I know it’s right for me too.”  She drew herself up a little, folding her arms across her chest.  “This is what I want to do.  If you don’t want me tagging along with you I get it, that’s fine.  I can go my own way and figure this out—“

            “No,” Dean shook his head.  “No you are not running off to fly solo.”  He glanced at Sam, who nodded. Dean sighed. “If you’re stupid enough to be a hunter, we’ll make sure you’re a damn good one."                                                                        . .  .

            Dani threw on her jacket and hurried after Sam and Dean.  She had to jog a few steps to catch up with them.  “Where are we going?” she asked.  All Dean had said was ‘come on, get in the car.’

            “If you’re dead set on getting into this hunting business,” Dean said, pulling out the impala’s keys.  “You got to take some precautions.”

            “Ok,” she said, trying to hide an excited smile.  What kind of precautions?  Actual hunter training or something?  “So where are we going?”

            “Tori’s Design’s.”  Dean answered.

            “What’s that?”

            “A tattoo parlor,” Sam answered.

            Dani stopped, and gave them a questioning look.

            Dean nodded.  “Don’t worry, it’s a good one.  Not the type that’s a hepatitis infection waiting to happen.”

            Dani stopped, her hand halfway reaching for the passenger door handle.  “Why are we going to a tattoo parlor?”

            “Because you’re going to need to get one of these.”  Sam held out his phone to her and she took it.  On the screen was a picture of an all black Star of David, surrounded by a sunburst.  Or at least she hoped it was a Star of David because if not it was a pentagram and she wasn’t sure she liked the connotations of that. “What is it?” she asked, handing the phone back.

            “An anti-possession symbol,” Sam explained.  “It will protect you from demons.”

            So pentagram it is. Dani raised her eyebrows.  “A tattoo is going to protect me from being possessed by a demon?”

            Sam nodded.  “We both got one a few years ago, and like Dean said, if you’re going to hunt, you’re going to need one too.  Some hunters wear it as charms but those can be taken off.  You need something more permanent.”

            “And nothing says permanent like a tattoo,” Dean said.  “You still want to do this?” 

            “Sure,” Dani shrugged.  “I was thinking about getting a tattoo a while back anyway.”  She opened the car door but didn’t get in yet.  “Can I see yours?”

            “I guess,” Sam said, and pulled down the collar of his shirt.  Just under his collar bone was the same symbol from the picture.  It looked like it was placed over a scar of some kind. 

            Dean sighed and lowered his shirt too, revealing the same mark in the same place.

            Dani nodded.  “Ok.  But do I have to get it in the same place for it to work?”  

            “No.” Sam shook his head.  “You can put it anywhere. Ideally not on your arms or legs though, because um,” he hesitated.

            “Because if the demon really wants to get you they can be cut off,” Dean finished.

            “Oh,” Dani said, trying to keep her voice steady, though she felt like some of the color had left her face.  “Ok, that makes sense.  I was thinking wrist but I guess I’ll have to go back then.”

                                                                        . . .

             “Hey Cas, before we get started,” Dean said, leading the angel into the other room.  Sam and Daniella Webster stood around the table, talking.  “I need you to do something for me.” He turned to the girl. “Dani, you remember Cas, right?’

            Dani nodded.  The angel had come along on a hunt a week or so ago.  They hadn’t spoken much, but Sam and Dean trusted him, so Dani had decided she liked him.  “Nice to see you again Castiel.”

            “Turn around and show him your tattoo,” Dean instructed.

            “Ok,” Dani said, not sure why she needed to do that.  She turned and wrestled her t-shirt sleeve far enough down her arm that the top of the sun burst showed. 

            Dean turned back to Castiel.  “I want you to ward her from angels, like you did me and Sam.  Just in case things go south up there again.”

            Castiel nodded, also seeming a little confused. 

            “Can you do the same thing with her tattoo?” Dean asked.  “Devine etchi-sketch it on her shoulder blade or something?”

             “Yes, that would be simple” Castiel nodded understanding.

            Dani was still confused, but was pretty sure she didn’t like where this was going.  “Devine what?”

            “Those only work while they’re on your skin,” Dean explained.  “They can be burned or skinned off.  I don’t want to take any chances with you so we’re going to make it even more permanent.”


            Castiel gently laid his hand over the tattoo and Dani started.  “Ow! What was that?”

            “I have seared the mark into your bone,” Castiel said.  “Nothing can remove that.”

            “Why the tattoo if you were just going to do that?”  Dani asked, rubbing her shoulder. 

            “I wasn’t sure how long it would be before Cas showed up again.  The ink was better than nothing.”

            “Ow!” Dani jerked back from Castiel when he touched the bottom of her sternum.  “What was that for?”

            “That was the warding,” Castiel explained.  “Now no angel will be able to track you.”

            “Didn’t know that was going to be an issue but ok.”  She looked warily from Dean to Castiel and back.  “Anything else?”

            Dean shook his head.  “Nope, that’s it. Let’s go.”

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