Friday, October 23, 2020

Raised From Perdition Part 8

 Kind of random scene that never went anywhere and then some of Alfie/Samandriel's back story. 

he man leaned over Sam, knife in hand.  Then from out of nowhere Dani came barreling into the man, knocking him to the floor.  Sam turned in time to see Dani jerk her head up from the man’s throat, a spray of red following her.  She turned to look at Sam, her wolf eyes shining at him, and smiled, blood seeping over her teeth and down her chin.  Sam just stared at her, wide eyed and panting for a moment until she bounded off toward the sound of shouting.


            Sam came up to Dani once it was over and sat down next to her.  She smiled and scooted a little closer to him.  “You ok?” she asked.

            “Yeah,” he nodded.  “How about you?”

            “I’m fine,” she answered.  “Not a scratch.”

            “That’s not what I meant.”  She gave him a confused look, but he was pretty sure she knew what he was talking about.  “That guy.  You uh, you ripped his throat out.”

            Dani nodded, looking him full in the face. “Yes, with my fangs.  And I don’t regret it.  He betrayed us, and tried to kill you.” She reached out and put a hand on his arm.  “I’m still a wolf, Sam.  I’m a violent, vicious creature, and I will not stand for anyone threatening my family.”

            Something from Sam. He’s a little uncomfortable with this.

            “I told you, I’m fine.  But thanks for checking.”

                                                                        . . .      

            Matt leaned against the counter, forcing himself not to look at the clock.  It had been a slow day at the Wiener Hut and he was very ready to go home.  But his shift wouldn’t be over for almost another hour.  He snuck a glance at the clock in spite of himself.  Yes, fifty six minutes. 

            He straightened all of a sudden, feeling like he was being watched, but not in the usual way; this presence didn’t feel threatening. 

            Matthew Pike, came a voice. 

            Matt started.  The only other people here right now were in the kitchen, too far for anything less than a shout to reach him.  And none of them knew his real name. This wasn’t even an audible voice he realized, eyes widening.  It was in his mind. 

            I’m loosing it, was his first thought.  He’d had a great aunt or something that had been put in an asylum with either multiple personality disorder or schizophrenia, he couldn’t remember which.  Either way, crazy might run in the family.  Running away probably could have been a psychological break.  Maybe…

            It’s all right, the voice broke into his thoughts.  Don’t be afraid.  You’re not going crazy.  A pause then, I need your help.

            “All right,” Matt whispered.  “If you’re not a hallucination then who are you?”

            My name is Samandriel.  I’m an angel of the Lord. 

            Matt’s eyes widened again.  An angel?  What would an angel want with him?

            There is an article, a holy relic if you will, that has recently been uncovered.  Something that holds very important information and we need to get to it before the agents of the enemy do.  It’s at a secret auction house not far from here and will go up for sale tomorrow.  We need to make sure we get it.  My brethren will be able to keep it safe once we have it, but if it falls into the wrong hands tomorrow it could have devastating consequences for us and for all of humanity. 

            Matt thought for a minute, processing, then asked, “What do you need me for?”

            I am a spiritual being, the voice explained.  In order to carry out my task, I need a physical form.  Yours. 

            “You want to body snatch me?”  Matt glanced around.  He hadn’t meant to say it that loud, or out loud at all. 

            In a manner of speaking, yes.  But I can’t do it without your permission.  The voice started to sound just a little less calm.  Please, this is very important.

            Matt felt his pulse speed up and he took a breath, trying to sort through all of the thoughts suddenly crowding his mind.  If this really was and angel, sent by God, it had to be important.  Who was he to say no, if God wanted this to happen.  The idea that he, of all people, might have actually been chosen to help… But what if it wasn’t.  What if he really was developing a mental disorder?  Or, if the voice was really there, what if it wasn’t an angel? 

            He shuddered.  “Ok,” he whispered to himself.  Come on, get a grip. 

            God, he prayed, is this thing really from you?  If you do want me to do this, I will.  I want you to use me for your purpose, but I want to be sure that’s what this is.  Please, what do I do?

            Almost instantly, Matt felt his rising panic replaced by a calmness.  There was no audible answer, but he felt it in his spirit, that yes, this was ok.

            You see, the voice said encouragingly. 

            Matt felt simultaneously embarrassed and annoyed that the voice was eavesdropping.  “Can you hear me when I pray?”

            Not the words, but I knew that you were, and I guessed what you were asking.

            “Sorry.  I just—“

            Don’t apologize, the voice cut him off.  You were wise to ask.  A lot of harm has been done by people who were dealing with those claiming to be angels but who weren’t.

            Matt nodded and picked at the sleeve of his uniform.  So this was God’s will, or at least he was pretty sure it was.  Somehow allowing an angel to use his ‘physical form’ wasn’t something he ever thought he’d be asked to do.  Honestly, he hadn’t even know that was possible.  How did that even work?

            “Will it hurt?” he asked.

            The voice seemed to hesitate.  I don’t know, it answered.  Matt thought he sounded a little worried too.   This is my first time to attempt it.  But I don’t think it should.  There was silence for a moment then, Will you help me?

            Matt thought for a moment more, then took a breath.  “Ok.  Yes, I’ll do it.” 

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