Monday, March 1, 2021

Dani: Later Seasons Part 1 (Supernatural Fic Continuation: Men of Letters)

 So, once I started watching Supernatural again, I obviously started writing fics again.  Nothing big, but I wrote a handful of scenes as I was watching the show with Dani and Adam as if they were still part of things. 

Sam hurried down the hall as a shouting match broke out in another room.  He stopped in the doorway, finding Claire and Dani standing inches apart, looking like they were ready to start circling. 

“I do know what I’m doing,” Clair yelled.  “I’m killing monsters.  Monsters like you. So get off my case before I start doing my job. ”

“Oh yeah, you want to go Novak?”

“Yeah, let’s do it.”

“Show me what you got.”

Clair pulled out a knife and flicked it open, lunging forward.  Before Sam could jump in, Dani’s hand shot up, catching Clair in the chest and she lifted her bodily, slamming her against the wall.  Clair gasped, and tried to get the knife in her hand around to slash at Dani.  Dani grabbed her arm with her free hand twisting it back.  Clair grunted, struggling, then there was a crack and Clair scream. The knife clattered to the ground.

“You’re right, monsters like me are what you’re facing out there, and look how this went down.  I could kill you right now and I didn’t even have to try.”  Dani extended the claws of the hand that held Claire against the wall.  The tips pricked Claire’s skin, not quite enough to draw blood. “I know you think you’re bad news, but you’re just a little girl bringing a knife a to a gun fight.  And until you realize that, and maybe take some advice from people who have been hunting longer than you’ve been alive, you’re not helping.  You’re reckless, you make stupid decisions, and you’re going to get yourself killed.  And who knows how many other people along the way. So straighten up, or get out.”   She pulled her hand back, letting Claire drop to the floor. 

Claire leaned against the wall, cradling her arm and glaring daggers at Dani, but didn’t make a move toward her.  Dani turned to walk out of the room. She looked surprised when she saw Sam standing there, but gave him a look that said, ‘what you going to do’ as she passed him.

Sam sighed shaking his head, and decided to just leave it. 

                                                                                . . .

“Hey.” Adam smiled welcomingly at Mary as she came around a shelf with a stack of books in her arms.  He sat at the table in the middle of the bunker’s library, a large book spread open in front of him. 

“Sorry,” Mary said.  “I’ll just take these to my room.”  She was a little embarrassed to be near him honestly.  She’d been a little short with Adam at first, resenting that he was John’s son with another woman and that hadn’t been fair. 

“You know it is like a six seat table,” he said.  “We can both use it.”

“I just didn’t want to intrude.” She sat her books down at the opposite end of the table.  “Are you working a case with brownies?” she asked, glancing at the celtic folk lore book he was reading. 

“Nah.” He shook his head.  “I just thought it was interesting.”

“So,” she said after a minute.  “I heard you were going to med school when you first went to college.  What made you switch to this?”

“I died,” Adam said simply.  “The angels brought me back a few months later.  A Winchester had to be Michael’s vessel and Dean wouldn’t do it.”

“What made you agree to do that?”

Adam shrugged and looked down at his hands.  “They told me I could see my mom again if I did.  And I guess it worked out, they beat Lucifer, which was the main thing, but I ended up in hell for five years.”

“Oh.” Mary almost reached out to him but stopped herself. 

“It’s ok,” Adam said quickly, seeing the look on her face.  “I don’t remember it anymore.  Dani paid a telepath to wipe my memory.  But when I got out I didn’t know what to do.  I’d lost five years of my life.  Ten plus years of med school is one thing when you’re eighteen, but… So I didn’t know if I wanted to go to school for something else, or just go to work.  I got a couple odd jobs in the meantime, and when Dani visited me I usually ended up hunting something with her.  I was tagging along so much I just decided, might as well make it official.”

“Just like that,” Mary laughed.

“Yeah. You know my mom was a nurse, I wanted to do medicine because of her.  I saw how she was able to help people.  It was hard and it sucked sometimes, but she made a difference.  This is kind of the same thing I guess.  It’s hard, and it sucks sometimes, but we make a difference.  In the end, hunting was the only thing that felt right.”

Mary nodded.  “The curse of the Winchesters.”

“Curse is a strong word.”

“Fate of the Winchesters then,” Mary corrected herself.  She took a breath. “Speaking of Winchesters, I’ve been meaning to ask you about John, when you knew him.”

Adam made a face. “That’s kind of the thing, I really didn’t know him.  He was there for most of my birthdays and he came to see us one, maybe two other times a year.  So it’s kind of hard to know someone you never see.  Don’t get me wrong, I know I wasn’t part of the plan, he didn’t have to have anything to do with us and I should be glad for what I got.  And I am, really.  It was better than not having a dad at all, even if it wasn’t really having one.  If you want to know about John, you should ask Sam and Dean.  They’re the ones he raised.” There was no resentment in his tone, it was just a fact.

“I know,” she said.  “It’s just weird talking about him with them.  I missed so much of all of their lives.”

“Everything in this family is kind of weird,” Adam said.  “You get used to it.”


Unknown to them, Sam had come up intending to help Mary with the research but stopped when he heard them talking about John.  Sam had been jealous of Adam since they’d met.  He’d had the “normal” life Sam had always wanted.  But Adam’s life hadn’t been perfect either.  As much as Sam and John had disagreed, he’d still had his dad, and even if he hadn’t always seen it, John had loved him in his way.  And a normal life hadn’t saved Adam and his mother when the monsters came.  Then there was Dani, raised by a teenage single mother, she’d had a happy family, until she’d been orphaned at fifteen.  And poor Jack, whose father was literally the devil and whose mother had died moments after he was born. Dean talked sometimes about the “perfect” family they could have had, but maybe there were no perfect families.  Maybe there were just people who cared about each other, doing the best they could. 

                                                                                . . .

“Come on, pick up the phone,” Dean growled into his new burner.

Hey this is Dani. Sorry I missed your call Leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Dean clicked the phone off and punched in another number.

This is Adam…

“Seriously both of you?” Dean drummed his fingers against his leg while he waited for the beep.  “Adam, it’s me.  Listen, those Brits we told you about are out of their minds and it’s about to get bad.  We don’t think they know about you guys yet and we’ve got to keep it that way.  Do not come back to the bunker, do not call, do not hunt anything.  Lay low you her me.  We’ll get in touch when it’s safe.”

                                                                                . . .

Adam jerked the main’s head back and slashed his knife across his neck. The man coughed and gurgled once, straining against him and then went limp.  Adam pushed him away from him and scrambled to his feet.  He stood, panting for a moment, scanning the area.  There had been three men of letters. One he’d just finished off, one lay against the wall surrounded by a puddle of blood.  And the third…?


“I’m here. I’m good,” Dani called coming around the corner, her fingers wet with blood.  There was a deep slash on her shoulder just shy of her neck.  “You ok?”

“Yeah.” Adam stepped up to her and pulled aside the neck of her shirt to get a better look at the wound.

“I’m fine.  It was silver but it missed anything important.”  She reached up and wiped away the blood that was dripping into his eyes.  He winced as her fingers brushed where the Brit had clocked him with the butt of a gun. 

They both relaxed a little, now certain the other was all right.

“You know I almost didn’t believe it when we heard they were killing hunters,” Dani said, looking over the dead bodies.  “We’ve got to find San and Dean.”

“No.” Adam shook his head.  “We’ve got to get to Canada.”


“They told us to get out.”

“Since when do we do what they say?  They’re going to need our help.”

“No,” Adam repeated, taking hold of both of her arms.  “They’re not just killing hunters and you know it.  They’re killing monsters, all of them, whether they’ve done anything wrong or not.  Sam, Dean, me, they might try to talk to, to convert, but they will shoot you without a second thought.” He look her hard in the eyes, tightening his grip.  They’d been hunting together for more than two years.  Before that they’d survived the tortures of hell together.  He couldn’t remember that anymore but he still felt it.  He was closer to Dani than anyone else in the world.  Losing her… “I cannot let that happen.  I won’t.  So please, don’t fight me about this.  We’re getting out of here.  We’ll go to Canada, we’ll talk to the hunters there, maybe see if they can help us.”

Dani took a breath, looking like she was ready to argue but then she nodded. Adam wasn't entirely human anymore either. Not since he'd come back from hell. The Men of Letters probably didn't know that, she was pretty sure she and Adam were the only ones who knew for sure, though Sam and Dean probably suspected, but there was no need to push there luck. The more they fought them, the more likely they would find out and once they dd they would just shoot him too. “Ok.  Well, if we’re going to bring back help, we better get a move on.”

                                                                                . . .

“Anybody home?” Adam called as he and Dani entered the bunker.  They trotted down the stairs and were met in the main room by Sam and Dean.

Dean grabbed Dani and pulled her into a hug so tight it almost hurt and held her there for a moment.  “You guys ok?”

Dani nodded. “We’re fine.”

Dean kissed the top of her head and let her go, moving to greet Adam, who he hugged maybe with a little less desperation but still like he was saving him from drowning. 

“Ok,” Dean said, taking a step back and composing himself.  “Look, it’s not that we’re not happy to see you guys, but it’s still not safe here.”

“You said you beat the men of letters,” Adam said. 

“Yeah, well, we’re still cleaning up.”

“We can help you do that,” Dani pointed out. 

“You know why I’m not going to let you do that.”

Dani sighed.  “You can’t keep me out of this forever.”

“I know,” Dean nodded.  “Just a little longer ok.  Let us finish this and then we can get back to normal.”

“So we’re still banned from the bunker?” Adam asked.

“For a little while, yeah. But there’s some hoodoo down in Louisiana you could work on in the meantime.”


Late that night as they drove back to the bunker having sent Adam and Dani on their way, Sam looked across the car at Dean.  “You know bunker’s safe now.  What’s left of the men of letters are on the run and being picked off by every hunter in the country.”

“Maybe,” Dean said, keeping his eyes on the road. 

“You just don’t want them to find out about Jack.”

Dean sighed.  “You know neither of them will let us kill him.  Especially Dani, I mean you saw how she was with Samandriel, and Adam when they first came back.  They’ll want to help him and they can’t.  They won’t be able to do what we need to do.”

“Are we sure it is what we need to do?” Sam asked.

“You know it is.”

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