Monday, November 19, 2018

Supernatural Meets Great British Bake Off

I recently caught up on Season 12 and 13 of Supernatural so I could start watching the show again (loved them by the way) and I ended up coming up with a few little shorts with the characters.  This is one of my favorites, where they watch another one of my favorite shows.  I really enjoy the little "normal" life scenes we get every now and then in Supernatural, so this is one of those.
Note: Watching the series again has also made me go back to the fanfiction I wrote back in 2014 when I first discovered the show.  I'll probably start posting some of it in the near future. I'm redacting a name in the second scene because it contains a spoiler for that fic, but I wanted to share the scene anyway.  

Castiel leaned forward from the back seat. “You said we would be back by 9,” he told Dean.
“We will,” Dean said, rolling his eyes. “It’ll be 9ish when we get there.”
“You did not say ‘ish’ when I agreed to come with you.”
“You didn’t,” Sam chimed in.
“Don’t you start too,” Dean said. “It’s not like I could know exactly how long everything was going to take. We’re practically home.”
There was a pause and then Castiel sighed. “It’s too close.  I’m going ahead.” Then he disappeared.

When they got back to the bunker they found Cas in the living room. “It is 9:12, so it’s a good thing I didn’t wait with you.”
“Yeah, it would have been terrible if you’d missed one minute of all those people sitting in front of their ovens,” Dean said, shaking his head and walking back out. “This is getting ridiculous Cas.”
“We wouldn’t have this problem if you would just buy a DVR.”
“What did I miss?” Sam asked, falling into an armchair.
“It hasn’t been going long, its pastry week.”

When Dean wandered back in he saw Castiel perched on the edge of the couch, staring at the TV in consternation. “Why would you put that much fruit in there? You know it’s going to give it a soggy bottom.”
“They even asked him about that when they came around,” Sam said. “If Paul says ‘are you worried about it’ don’t do it.”
“They never learn.” Cas shook his head in disappointment.

                                                               . .  .
It’s under baked, overproved.  Defiantly some time management issues here.’
“Oh, double drink,” Dani said, knocking back two swigs of her beer.
“Hey, those were sips.”  Sam nudged Name with his foot.  “Come on, play the game right.”
Name let out a breath and took another drink.  He shook his head.  “We should not have played this game on bread week.”
“You can quit any time you feel like it,” Sam said.
“No, I’m going to do it.  It’s just not really fair that this doesn’t do anything to half of us.” Name shot a look at Dani, Jack, and Castiel. 
Dani shrugged and Castiel intoned, “Don’t hate the player, hate the game.”
“Ohhh!” Everyone else chorused.
“Now we know you’ve been hanging out with Dean too much,” Dani said.
             “Focus guys,” Jack interrupted.  “They’ve still got two to judge this round.”
             ‘It looks great, but the flavors just aren’t there.  Again, style over substance.’

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